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Okay so I went into a longer explanation on Patreon but basically the mountain of work that I’ve been nervously eyeing for months has finally buried me. Generally in our free lance lives we try to schedule contracts in ways that make sense, run consecutively, and hopefully give us some shred of work life balance. Unfortunately, due to various delays, contract issues, budget pauses, staff shortages, health issues (not me, another artist on a project) everything I’ve said yes to in the last 6 months (and earlier) is hitting all at once. I currently have 2 day jobs and a pretty involved side project. I’m working on 2 CLASH books at the same time, my animation design contract got extended cause there’s so much to do, and the 3rd comic is an unannounced middle grade trilogy that I’m doing full art chores for. Plus I routinely help Jim with his comic pages, and feed and interact with kids and stuff. Trying not to put them at the bottom of that list…but sometimes they’re so damn annoying lol.
Anyway, BN has alway been a fun stress reliever, but doesn’t pay the bills. It’s starting to cause some stress, and I need my weekends for other projects for at least the next 2 months (argh). I don’t want to just stop, I’ve cut lots but I still want to have a completed story, I’ve been doing this too damn long to not finish it :P
This will be the last complete comic page for awhile, I’m going to switch to illustrated prose updates. This will also give me a chance to practise my writing as most of what I do is script format.
I’d like to thank all you, old and new readers alike, who have found this silly little diversion, liked it, sent me messages, left comments, everything, it’s all meant a lot and helped me keep going when things got tough. You are all awesome and have all my love, especially going into the holiday season. The house across the street just got those fancy all year lights and they’ve been going crazy with the patterns and the colours. Glad I’m not prone to seizures, and I’m definitely getting in the festive spirit :)
But first, a nap.
December 12th, 2022 at 1:06 am
Ok… Seriously, NOW Prozac, you are starting to sound crazy.
This is not going to go well…
December 12th, 2022 at 1:07 am
Oooh Shii- Mindscape again!!
Also Gay is very visual about his fantasies!
December 12th, 2022 at 1:16 am
This seems a little dark for Prozac.
December 12th, 2022 at 3:08 am
Thank you the many years of your bearnuts series.
When and if you ever want to start again (when it’s fun again) we will be here.
When my husband was alive the first thing we did Monday mornings was open the latest page and go through it.
Sending hugs and wishes for a blessed holiday season to you and yours.
December 12th, 2022 at 5:42 am
Do what you need to do as RL, alas, takes front and center over this side project.
December 12th, 2022 at 6:38 am
So, they’re going back to the mental plane… But they also need to keep the lionesses off-guard. I’m not sure I like where this is going… And yet, maybe the lionesses could be responsible for the slaughter. I still have doubts about that, but still…
December 12th, 2022 at 8:27 am
Been following BN for at least a decade. Long enough to remember your twins being born. Was an absolute shock to hear that they were preteens, as if they weren’t just little tykes yesterday. Been a hell of a ride so far, and I can’t remember you missing a date until now, so take the time you need.
December 12th, 2022 at 10:12 am
He’s telling them to repeat every mistake they’ve ever made, isn’t he? Next thing you know he’ll be dumping Tanked’s spirits in the sewer while telling Nerd to fire up the ol’ cloning machine.
December 12th, 2022 at 11:38 am
Ah, my heart aches a little; this has been my happy Monday treat for well over ten years now. :) But it’s still going forward in new format, and really, it’s the story that’s been bringing us all back anyway (right, folks?)… You’ve been generous with your time, Alison. I’d happily collect the next books of the strips if you ever decide to edit them.
Meanwhile, distracting lionesses? Are they susceptible to Lech’s charms when nobody’s watching…? :)
December 12th, 2022 at 6:24 pm
I’m 100% supportive of you taking time off this comic to focus on your other endeavours and your family. I personally would rather have this comic be on extended hiatus than you change the format of it just for the sake of updates … but I will support you regardless. Like a few others here, I’ve been here for a decade or more, and it’s been a fun ride. :)
December 13th, 2022 at 3:06 am
Pretty sure that the entire zoo is Crazy Town.
December 13th, 2022 at 7:19 am
Okay this page let us on a big tease and suspens so I think it was perfect for the start of your break !
I follow bearnuts since years now and you still was able to make our monday bettef without lretty never take any breack and get fidel with a full page each damn months and I imagin it was the case already when yiu started this serie I discovered 8y after its creation!
So thanks Alyson, you desserve a big breack (if we can name tones of side projects a breack…courage to you >รทรท< ! We, your readers, will give you all our support frol there so just keep doing awesole work by still take tile for your own fun and rest !
See you in 2 months for BN's come-back but see you soon on patreon where I'll keep following you UwU/ !
December 13th, 2022 at 8:26 pm
Take your time and do what you need to do, we can wait a few months, even if you don’t have time to give us mini updates for the comic. Just do you, and try not to stress yourself out too much (i know that’s intractable, but you should still try). We’ll still be here whenever you get back. In the meantime, I hope you have fun and for things to go smoothly for you!