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Monday — May 6th, 2024

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Happy Monday! It’s showdown time!


The lionesses had dropped from the tree and ringed Steven. Their postures were aggressive, lips curling away from sharp fangs. “What are you doing here, polar bear? You are out of your element.” Another tawny cat inched forward on Steven’s bad side, snarling, “Yes. You need the water to aide your ungainly bulk. You are a plodding elephant in our domain.”  The third one circled to her other side, sniffing the air with disdain. “You smell like those bothersome little bears. What pathetic company you keep.”

Steven’s back started to round, claws grasping, when Gay’s own haughty voice rung out. “O.M.G. What a surprise! The lionesses are CATTY bitches.”  He snort laughed and Sara stood beside him, arms crossed and sneering. Lech and Cara, a step behind, dripped with sweat and apprehension, totally killing the confident bad ass vibe he was trying to create. Gay mentally rolled his eyes. Of course Lech’s bluster would fail when it was needed. And Cara’s inner monster was nowhere to be found. And now he had Sara and Steven the polar bitch as his wingwomen. Not EVER on his bingo card for life, but whatevs. Time to fake it till you maybe make it out alive.

The lionesses had slunk lower, inching closer. Gay held up a perfectly manicured paw and they paused. Shit, maybe he could do this. “Ladies, don’t you ever get BORED with this place, your seclusion, that dipshit male in the cave who gets the best cut of meat simply because penis?”

Cara stifled a giggle behind him. For effen’ sake, woman.


Hello and welcome to ‘Bear Nuts’, the irreverent spawn of the odd little back corner of my mind.   BN is the result of staying up late working for other people while strange ideas germinate about what I’d rather be doing… in color too!

The page above is the current update, click ‘first’ to go to the beginning.

Updating on Mondays, schedule permitting, I hope you find ‘Bear Nuts’ to be as enjoyable and vapid a time waster as I do.

Edit: Had to cancel Friday updates for the time being… blame my twin parasites :P
