Page 625
April 9th, 2018

Page 625

Evil unleashed!  Sort of!

If you have a Woot account please go vote for my designs in the current ShirtWoot derby (I have two in the fog with a chance of printing!)  Thanks guys!  T-shirt royalties really do pay a lot of my bills :)

It’s San and Moro :D

And a suspiciously well read doggy:


  1. T-Shaw

    End of Part One. That 6th panel though.

  2. Jkaboom

    Whats gonna happen??? >.<

  3. FiliasNox

    my question s how will a femenine touch improve the situation? or get it worst?

  4. Todd Maccarone

    Potential war… That might prove interesting!

  5. rugibess

    “We can’t appear to be weak” ??? why is the game of thrones opening theme going off in my head

  6. Sterling Rodd

    Ah. Team Lecherous Evil rides again. :)

  7. Chris

    War… war never changes… what is it good for?

  8. Abdiel

    Maybe the zoo will be divided bears vs. monkeys. The only ones I can see on team bear is the elephants. Monkeys will have polar bears.

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