Page 344
December 3rd, 2012

Page 344

I’m always surprised when December rolls around again, more this year than ever before.  The twins are one and half now and less and less like babies every day, SNIFF.  I also have 19 days to pack up and get out of our house because we’ve been going through the process of looking for a new (bigger) house for a few months now and suddenly within the last week ours is sold and we’ve had to decide where we’re going.  Yay for moving in the middle of the Canadian winter!  Though it was really warm today and rainy.  Perhaps that could stick around for a bit longer??

If you’re looking for unique Christmas gifts check out our prints (INPRNT) and tee stores (Society6, ShirtWoot, and Redbubble) plus all the BN original pages are up for sale in the above Store tab.  Shipping deadlines are fast approaching.

Crack hand.


  1. Urago

    Crack seems insaner than the usual. I like it.

  2. abowden

    lol almost nothing is that contagious, just washing hands should suffice…

  3. Sterling Rodd

    Either Tanked needs to break out a keg to share with Crack or someone needs to lead him to a patch of a certain herb that’s quasi-legal in personal amounts.

  4. NekoD

    Crack may get some pills from Prozac, he really needs to calm down or the arm is his least problem.

  5. Tachigamigod

    crack no
    shhh bby shhhhhhhhh

  6. Sterling Rodd

    Alison, good luck with the move… particularly with the borrowed chinook we seem to have stolen from the prairies this fall. Those folks out west better think about building Noah’s Snowmobile. :)

  7. gamehunter

    @:Tachigamigod: AAAAAAAA I see what you did there!! c(-:<

  8. BrobyDDark

    Crack. Take my advice, and let Evil kill you. Trust me, living with fear is bad for everyone.

  9. kath

    the thing with move packing is. it will be years before your unpacked. if your moving into temp housing, it is often better to just put stuff in storage and move the essentials (current clothing etc) and when you move to *da big house* then take the rest with you.

    poor crack. he really needs to go to his happy place. Nerd seems to be borderline freaky between the “are you kidding me? and the “oohh cooties.. ” look. Bwahahaha

    ah get gimp to take care of it.

  10. AaronP

    I’ve started reading Crack in the voice of Zim from Invader Zim. I have to say it fits when he goes off on his crazy rants and cries for help. Read him in that voice sometimes, especially from the page before and tell me it doesn’t fit.

  11. Glowworm

    Crack has really lost it!

  12. Xelyn

    @Glowworm: Lost it? What are you talking about? Crack never had it to begin with….

  13. Sterling Rodd

    @AaronP — Yeah… I think that works. Someone should get in touch with Richard Horvitz’s agent for the inevitable TV adaptation. :) Andy Berman’s Dib might work well for Nerd, while we’re at it.

    Didn’t we work all this out a couple of years ago, though? :D

  14. Tigerbitten

    I can totally see panel 8-10 from Nov 26 on the front of a t-shirt with either the last panel from the same day or the 2nd panel from this one on the back. Can someone make that happen cause I’d so buy one!

  15. Mvilu Uatusun

    I think Cracked is the wrong name for greenie. He’s more of a Hypochondriac. (Of course, most hypochondriacs are a bit cracked in my opinion.)

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