Page 883
May 15th, 2023

Page 883

HOUSE IS FINALLY SOLD. Moving truck is booked, some stress off, lots to do still.
And Happy Mother’s Day to all to whom it applies! My dog sitter sent me a lovely message, loooong before any of my kids thought of it.

Vote incentive: for all the acid spitting moms out there :D


“Where. Is. Steven?” Cara’s right eye was twitching. Her fur was drenched and sticking up weird. Sara started to giggle, then had the presence of mind to slap her hand over her mouth. An angry Cara was rarely a rational Cara. Sara managed to shrug her goose free shoulder. “No idea, and my whole head is water logged, or maybe my brain is swollen so…”

Cara stepped back, her gaze travelling over the immobile polar chunks, turning to take in the rest of the habitat. “I’m beginning to re-think that Crazy Bitch thing.” She looked back, and gestured at her face. “Plus your nose is bleeding.”


  1. T-Shaw

    Holy crap she finally got control over the polars!

  2. Todd Maccarone

    At least the Polar bears are finally calm… But Steven is still missing. Something isn’t right around here…

  3. Cam

    @Alison: Yay! Congrats! Hopefully things will go a bit more smoothly. And Happy Mother’s Day to you!

    Glad the jerk polars are under control, still hoping things go well with Steven.

  4. Nicole

    @Alison: Huzzah on the house!

  5. Aiki

    I am still late to congratulate, but at least I’m not over a decade late.

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