Page 854
October 10th, 2022

Page 854

Happy Thanksgiving Canada :)
My parents just got home from a trip abroad with some authentic Scottish shortbread and Covid so we’re postponing the holiday for a week. I did manage to get next to nothing done all weekend and it felt kind of nice.
I’m sure the guilt will come up tomorrow :P

Holiday SALE on now at Neatoshop (for 3 more days) great time to grab some Halloween (and Christmas lol) gear!


  1. Nila Foxy

    You must be joking, Evil?
    & How was Prozac able to identify that so well?

  2. Murphy

    D’aaww, gay comforting lech from seeing aftermath dismembering.
    also turns out evil was talk on dismembering others.

  3. Chasey

    Heh. Just remembering when Cracked dismembered that owl. And that goose.

  4. Mr. Casual

    I love how Gay–who regularly doesn’t wear anything more than a bowtie–is getting Lech to wear clothes.

  5. gridsleep

    That look.

  6. Todd Maccarone

    Well, this is one heck of a “who done it”. Can’t wait to find out how this turns out!

  7. Project_Demise

    The return of the Greater of Two Evils?

  8. Nicole

    Oops! Evil, did you just say the quiet part out loud? :D

  9. evilbob

    Lol. Accidentally just lost your street cred there.

  10. speedcoreidolater

    What’s Lech smiling about?
    @Chasey AND he got to use the eyeball scooper before Evil ever could.

  11. Cam

    I don’t know if their facial expressions mean they don’t believe him or that they’re surprised he’s never done it before.

  12. Bri

    @Cam: I’m thinking the latter.

    I dunno why I’m a little surprised that Evil hasn’t dismembered something before, not even off-record lol.

  13. T-Shaw

    Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….?

  14. S.L

    We all knew he was all talk this whole time, guys.

  15. YetAnotherBrian

    Hey cut Evil some slack he has never dismembered anything, so far. Dismembering just hasn’t come up yet, give him time.

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