Page 186
July 2nd, 2010

Page 186

This is the second time Evil’s woken up tied to something…

Happy belated Canada Day/early Fourth of July to whom it may concern!

I realize I’m not aware of any other country birthdays and as there are many non-North American readers feel free to correct my ignorance and I’ll try to do some other birthday vote images on (or as close as possible to those days).  I also appreciate any stereotype suggestions to go along with!  Here’s Tanked being patriotic.

And I’d like to add: AH HA France is out!  Sorry, my Irish roots are showing… now you all know where Tanky came from :)



    The main question is: is crack correct, or is he turning into one of those government conspiracy “crack”-pots?

  2. Meloa

    On a more comical note, OMG HE BASHED EVIL WITH A FRYING PAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, did not see that coming. Happy Belated Canada Day, and Early 4th of July, Keep up the good work. Love Your work.

  3. Meloa

    Second!!!!!!! (and third sweet)

  4. Kookaburra8su

    The PUNS!!!!

    Did someone take it too far?
    Stripped of his last comfort, has Crack snapped?
    Will this Evil case be cracked!
    Can Crack solve this Evil case?
    He better get cracking!
    Prepare for an Evil massage!!!

    It’s too much to BEAR, I’m going NUTS

  5. monty

    well in case you (or anybody) still care, 28th october is the birthday of Czechoslovakia. the state actually doesn’t exist anymore, but for us, people from Czech Republic, the date is still important.

    and – thank you for this great comic, it’s unique in it’s quality :]

  6. Sora A.K.

    I love this page. Like, so much.

    First of all, reverse mohawk! I remember that. XD That electric razor has shown up quite a bit hasn’t it?

    I already loved Crack when he was terrified of everything; who knew he would be so awesome when he wasn’t? Because srsly so awesome. I really adore how he looks in panel 12… and panel 4 too.

    Evil looks so adorably silly with his tongue hanging out. And for some reason I really want to play with his little toesy-woesies! Look’t his little toesy-woesies! :D

    And I am in *such* a conspiracy mood because I just completed “The Milkman Conspiracy” level in Psychonauts (a truly great game, BTW); I’ve already come up with a bunch of crazy theories…

    Uh, sorry for the long random comment. I’ve had a weird day.

  7. Lody

    crack must think Evil is either different, or someone else.
    dating back to when evil was taken away from the zoo into the wildlife preserve.
    but I’m still not sure exactly where Crack is going with this.
    Is he gonna remove the green tag on Evil in hopes of it doing… something?

  8. poco

    Hooray for Crack! It’s about time Evil got some comeuppance.

  9. Zlug

    Denmark is waay to old for anyone to know when it was founded.. so no birthday there..

  10. BoredStiffy

    I would like to request the bonus picture colored as a poster. It is my favorite. Somehow I think Evil expects retaliation from time to time. Part of the price of being a bad boy. Also I suspect Doomy was not trashed by Evil, he has been set up, but by whom?

  11. Heart of Blades

    I wondered when that ear tag would get Evil in trouble and now it at last has. I love seeing Crack go all Reservoir Dogs on Evil, makes me smile. This is quite the different side to Crack, but I can’t blame him since he lost Dooomy. Oh I hope Crack starts dancing to ‘Stuck in the Middle with You’ DX

    Quick question, is Book of Evil going to have an extra arc not seen on the site like Book of Prozac did?

  12. Appel

    im so confused right now…

  13. Lea

    Ooooh no, he’s all tied up and defenseless, whatever might Crack do with him now~? :D We all can’t wait to find out, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise… (pleaseplease jump through his burning hoop! (m>.<)m)

    btw, in exactly one week Argentina celebrates its Independence day, maybe you could do something for that date? I’d appreciate it and I’m sure so would others.

  14. Ketira

    A: ooh – this should get interesting. A side of Cracked we haven’t seen before? Maybe all those meditation CDs have done him some good! (Remember? Nerd got him a few off the Internet.) Can’t wait to see what happens next…..

    B: Alison, we Floridians see folk like Tanked all the time: hat, umbrella, and sunburnt skin. (We natives call such folk – drunk or not – “lobsters” because that’s what has happened to them: they got cooked by the Sun!) So having Tanked show up on one of the Florida Beaches waving an American flag wouldn’t be so out of place. ;)

  15. kuma p

    wow his face on the 13th panel sure looks “cracked”

  16. Nicole

    OMG…Crack’s lost what was left of his mind! “Such pretty talk.” …I’m scared!! Mommy! :o

    I think Lody’s on to something…hmmmm…

  17. alicia

    Ohh wow it’s getting good now! I can’t wait to see where this is going. I like how Crack just took Evil away so easily without Prozac knowing.

  18. Jennifer Mathis

    Ohhhh man, I’m excited to see where this story arc’s gonna go! :D

  19. Kurobara

    “You came back wrong Evil”
    …Saying that after he gave Tanked a reverse mohawk…I still think Evil is the same, but that’s just be. xD

  20. S.P

    Oh no, this can’t be good.

  21. Prof

    Beware of people who are convinced to know the truth.
    This could end ugly :/

  22. Kedrezac

    So, that must be tanked observing the nuclear holocaust going on across the boarder. I can’t wait for the fourth. Our city sets off fireworks on the third. A kind of warm-up for the days to come.

  23. Suzu

    maybe he thinks that its a different bear? cuz no one seemed to notice the tag before? or just never say anything about it xD

  24. Nicole

    Yeah, I’m afeared someone is going to lose their piercing…

  25. admin

    @Kookaburra8su: Nicely done, I especially like the last one!
    @monty: Thank you!
    @Sora: Thanks! And hopefully your day was weird in a good way.
    @Boredstiffy: I’ll add that to my list of things to get done. I need to get a good printer so I can print posters myself.
    @Heart of Blades: Yes, vol 2 is going to have a bonus arc featuring Gimp
    @Lea: Thanks for the info on Argentina! One week is not enough time for this year but I’ll try for next year for sure!
    @Ketira: I’d be a lobster too, I’m soooo white.

  26. Glowworm

    Wow-Crack is badass!

  27. kaijufan32

    Oooh..Evil is going to get it.

  28. MexiGojira

    Well, now that we are talking about birthdays, prepare for a massive party on september 15/16, From Mexico to Chile, America will be celebrating 200 years of independence. Brazil is invited because he’s awesome.

  29. Kiggy

    OK now Crack is really SCARING the beejezus outta me….

  30. Tigergulp

    I didn’t understand at first til I flipped back. The tag on Evil’s ear looks like an N for nice and Crack may have slipped into a mild state of dementia after what happened to his Doomy. Soooo he may think that Evil is now Nice Bear (??) and is going to do something REALLY bad……

    EEEE! Can’t wait til Monday! XD

  31. Brynessa

    I have never commented on here before, but I just had to say, that is my favourite comic EVER! Lol :)

  32. Dokipon

    OMG. It’s a government conspiracy! THAT TAG IS FROM ALIENS. – Crack’s mind.

    It’ll be nice to see what’s gunna happen. Crack rarely gets macho like this. It always seems to involve Evil though… and bread…

  33. Sam

    Panel 12 is my favorite. Evil’s interesting revenge tactic, and crack looking not like crack =P

    I’m a little confused about the tag, but it’ll be interesting to find out later yay!

  34. Anirandom

    hmm something about this reminds me of that episode of American dad when that friend of Steve’s goes off his meds… But anyway This is EPIC! I love it!

  35. Some person from Toronto

    Hmm, I think Cracks knows something we don’t know…

  36. Greencheese

    I don’t know why, but Crack speaking in full sentences rather than a single, highpitched scream is by far the scaries thing so far.

    Began reading today, don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner. Looking forward to the next update.

  37. laughter

    Crack is such a bamf all of a sudden

  38. Silliness

    Oh how I love this comic. I’m curious what’s going on through Crack’s mind, but either way, Evil’s in for an interesting night, XD I wonder if anyone will find out, or stop whatever Crack has planned? After all, Tank sa…. Ok, So No one’s going to save evil. Oh well, Silliness is sure to ensue.

  39. CAT WOrdpress

    I think Evil upped his antics cause he’s basically under indefinite house arrest (he still has the ear tag). Crack must have noticed it, hopes he removes the ear tag so we can go back outside.

  40. Esquire

    Am I the only one who feels the pain of the tape i mean Evil has (soon to be had) a verrrry hairy back/chest/everythingelse.

  41. GN

    Mislead is present tense, you want Misled, past tense.

  42. admin

    @Brynessa and Anirandom: Thank you guys!
    @Greencheese: Welcome to BN and thank you very much for the comment, it made me laugh!
    @Esquire: Too true…
    @GN: Nice catch! Thank you! I fixed it for the print edition.

  43. a**hole

    ooooh! somebody forgot a comma at the end.

  44. lanysmiles

    haha! let all your irish hang out!! :D

  45. lanysmiles

    And for Ireland….well the revolutionary proclamation of independence was read on April 24th 1916, but we were first granted independence by england on Janurary 21 1919.
    There was a lot of bloodshed in between :/ and really there still is bloodshed.
    However I believe more of it has to do with drug operations that the paramilitaries run rather than actual divison of the country of Ireland.

    anyhoo- loving cracks meltdown ^^

  46. Armands

    it’s actually called No-Hawk. That’s a famous look to the Alien Ant Farm singer.

  47. Shadow

    if any one has been on gaia online crack reminds me of a grunny……

  48. gokol

    I saw it from your first pic you reminded me of this younger Irish Canadian Girl I know of I am not going to mention what the father is like because then I am going to make myself obvious too obvious as to their identity. Let’s just call them S and V.

  49. Crimmy13

    Srs bsns crack is so awesome xD

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