Page 129
October 23rd, 2009

Page 129

Poor little rodent army, they were fun to draw.

If Tanked was there, he’d have made friends (he’s one of those sentimental drunks).

And finally the big news: SAMMY’S HERE!! As I write this (about 12 am my time) he’s turning 3 days old.  He’s been home one full day now and we’re all slowly getting the hang of things (to all you dads out there: try twisting your nipples for 15-30 min straight 8 ish times a day… that’s how I feel right now.)

Here’s 8 pound/14 ounce Sam looking pissed that he just got pulled out of his home (check out the perfect side kick, mommy’s so proud):

You guys are in for a lot of baby pics… he has lots of outfits to show off :D


  1. Idragon

    awwww! he is so cute i just wanna give him a hug! and YAAAY death he is awesome

  2. HappyG

    Finally the little one is here! Congratulations Alison!

    He actually looks quite big, I don’t know how you managed to pop him out but you did…

    Most babies are quite fugly and it takes an imaginative mother to see the beauty, but your little Sammy is a real charmer! He’ll be a CASSANOVA when he grows up, I’m willing to bet on it.

    I know you’re probably hearing it too much and through the pain it probably seems patronizing, but congratulations again.

    Can’t wait to see more adorable pictures!

    <3 HappyG

  3. LeeMinus321

    Comic = awesome! Sammy = cute! Congrats!

  4. Idene

    aww, quite the cute little baby he is. :3

  5. Lisa

    Aww, congratulations!

  6. Angela

    Yay Sammy! Congrats!

  7. Lena

    @PTM: Don’t break your legs. That really would not solve much. I’m sure you need them. Just remember that a baby is special to the mother and her supporters even if not to you, okay?

  8. Martin Gerlach

    Congrats… He looks very nicde and healthy…
    My wife and I are expecting our second baby on about 6months… Som I hope my little boy (14months old) is ready to become a big brother…

  9. Platy

    YAY!! He’s absolutely beautiful, honey! Though, I’m kinda concerned about the ‘nipple twisting’ comment. It really shouldn’t hurt like that to breastfeed. Is he getting a good enough latch?
    Also, frozen peas in a bag can REALLY help with engorgement. My bewbs became a shelf for the damn things for about a week after my daughter was born.
    Good luck! And remember: when the baby sleeps MOMMY SLEEPS! :D

  10. Tyron E!

    Congratulations on the successful birth of your son! He looks cool! “Gay” aint getting attacked by the squirells? Why? I guess he has some awesome powers! Maybe those squirells are “homophobes”! “Prozac” is a polite bear!

  11. Pamplemousse

    Oh no, I’m late to this party! Super-congrats on the tiny little future ninja! He’ll disarm you with extreme cuteness at exactly the time when the crying and nipple-twisting really starts to get to you. They are crafty little balls of adorable, that’s for sure. :D
    I’m so glad everything went so well!
    And yes, for updating (even if it was a from a buffer supply) you officially qualify as an internet goddess.

  12. spike

    Awww… he is the handsomest little guy! Hope you are all doing ok.

  13. Goofy_Charli

    Oh My Gosh! I haven’t checked BN for ages and I completely missed that Sam arrived! Congratulations! He’s beautiful. ^///^ I hope all goes well with him, and he isn’t too much of a screamer.

  14. Savanna

    Oh my goodness he’s so adorable! Can I have him? =P

  15. Kitsunekage

    Congrates!!! :)))

    And now we see Death’s weakness: ranged weapondry…

  16. zombiematt

    congrates such a beautiful baby

  17. Elkian

    XD oh GB….

  18. Aiki

    I know that I am well over a decade late, but, Awwww!!!!

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