Page 946
September 30th, 2024

Page 946

HA. Thought we were past the whole throwing up in your bed/floor/Legos stage but apparently NOT. My twins are 13 now, Sam is almost 15…. and yet…. Children, forever. And coincidently I was browsing through the old pages/Crack’s breakdown and origin arc to remember what I did with the inner mind scape backgrounds (thankfully very simple :) and noticed a few comments including me complaining about child hood flus and stomach bugs. So nothing changes, apparently. They’re just EXTRA pathetic when they get sick.

HALLOWEEN incoming! get Dooomcat tees from Neatorama in time for the holiday :D (currently on SALE for the next 2 days!)


Crack opened his eyes to that familiar , blank openness of his inner mind scape. He took a second to appreciate how quiet and empty it was, spread out in all directions with a faint hazy horizon, then sighed. He opened his perception to those around him. His body was currently touching Evil’s so he wasn’t surprised to find Evil appear almost instantaneously, bright eyed and eager. There was no trace of pain in his features. 

“Yes! I am going to rock this thing this time! I’ve been practising mediation and self-acceptance.” He danced in place, kicking ‘water’ up in the ‘air’.

Crack’s brows lifted in surprise. “Really?”

“Yes! Well, for a couple of days.” Evil stopped tapping his feet and swivelled to Crack, his right paw rubbed the back of his head and his expression resembled ‘contrite’, or maybe ‘humble’, but crack didn’t think Evil was capable of either of those. “OK, 2 times. But it was REALLY boring and my mind kept going to new revenge plans instead of emptying out like you told me. I guess I’m just not capable of mindlessness.” He tapped his head with one claw and smirked proudly. “I’ve got too much going on up here to achieve empty headed status!”

Crack chose silence, and eyed Evil’s left arm. The paw was tinged slightly darker and he thought that darkness was creeping higher as he watched. 

Crack tore his gaze away. He might be manifesting the effect himself just by thinking about it. He needed to keep his id in check. An empty mind was an asset in this place.


  1. Can never decide on a name

    Alright, I’m going to say it. With as little self control as Evil usually has, choosing not to continue an activity that has him making new revenge plans is not the worst decision he could make.

  2. Todd Maccarone

    Glad to see Evil and Crack are in the mindscape… But Evil’s paw possibly going darker- not a good sign!

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