Page 945
September 23rd, 2024

Page 945

Short and snuggly one today…and bloody :D


Prozac allowed himself a couple seconds to enjoy that cozy scene, minus the blood, then he hauled himself back up top. He scribbled a quick note then strapped the fanny pack around Murder. “Go find Gimp, and then see if you can find out from the girls how much time they’ve bought us.” Murder swept her wing up in a kind of a salute, of all things, then jumped off the rocks and winged, and honked, away.

Prozac watched her go, then turned towards the trees screening the rest of the exhibit from his view. “I hope it’s enough.”


  1. Murphy

    Into Lionel’s mind we goo!

    Who wants to bet snagged as cub transferred to Zoo?

  2. Todd Maccarone

    Brief, but hopefully, everything works out just fine… Considering where we are, though, that’s doubtful.

  3. Anonymous

    Despite all the blood, that scene is so cute.❤

  4. Nicole

    So sweet…Crack knew just what to do. ❤️

  5. Baree

    It seems to me Evil has been bleeding out for several comics now but…. No one seems to be panicking. I guess either he’s ok or everyone is fine with it? It just seems weird :P.

  6. Can never decide on a name

    @Baree That’s why his arm is still in Lionel’s mouth. There is a LARGE tooth plugging the wound, which is keeping him from bleeding out faster. Prozac sent Murder to get Gimp, their medic, which is really all they can do right now.

  7. Kaouse

    New Ship just dropped!

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