Page 05
August 21st, 2008

Page 05

BEAR NUTS for August 21, 2008 – 05 Bear Nuts


  1. Adrian

    Hi Alison, I really loved seeing this at the Fan Expo 2008, the colours & style are superb, its almost like watching a cartoon, all the best, Cheers.

  2. Jorge

    I’m liking what i see, i hope you ge a store soon with each charater logo.

  3. kitmit13

    I see that gay has like a bloody tissue? Did evil hit him like he hit nerd?

  4. Squival

    lol nice one, I never noticed the tissue in his nose before, u got a good eye

  5. Sum1

    Oh Evil…

  6. Looc64

    3rd panel… Prozac scares me sometimes…

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