Happy St. Patrick’s Day, or hung over Monday if you REALLY celebrate :D Perhaps this is a fitting update that’s mostly potato…
The potato sat slowly into the watery ground, and liquid, or matter, or whatever this was, started to seep into the potato butt through the crack around the hatch. Evil lay there and managed an eye roll. Of course the potato ass wasn’t water proof.
The liquid level rose fast and soon Evil was forced to tread water with one paw. His left arm was black to the shoulder, floating uselessly beside him, and starting to smell. Evil knew he had to calm down. He could get back to his body and wake up if he was able to concentrate, but his dead arm and the fact that he floated almost at the ceiling now of his spud tomb were the antithesis to zen. And the overwhelming feeling that he’d let Crack down stifled the last of his resolve. He had room left to take one more big gasp of air, but he hesitated. And then the water washed over his face and he sank.
A vicious crack tore through the potato skin and snapped through the water, popping his ear drums. A slash of ‘daylight’ cut across his vision as the potato tore open and the water poured out, dumping Evil at the feet of a pissed off and fully formed Pro-Hulk. Pro-Hulk had torn the potato in half and was viciously pulling off its bulbous arms and flinging them at an irate lion.