Page 943
September 9th, 2024

Page 943

Happy Monday all! 1/3rd of my kids is happy to be back at school. I’ve forgotten how to pack lunches again. Made an evening trip to get all the back-to-school stuff they didn’t realize they needed even after me asking them for the last month of summer break if they needed anything… :P


Prozac gestured impatiently, arm jerking as he tried to steady the motion, knowing Crack wouldn’t like the sudden movement in a tense situation, but dammit. He was running out of the ability to be gentle. “Throw me down Evil’s fanny pack!”

Evil yelped from behind, “It’s a murder pouch!”

Crack pursed his lips, eyes reddening from being upside down, “It’s tacky.”

Evil huffed, “You’ve been spending too much time with Gay!”

Prozac snapped, “Crack!”

Crack grumbled, “Someone hasn’t been spending enough time with Gay…” but he carefully lowered himself into the pit and handed over the bag. “No need to snap at me, oh Exalted and Impatient Leader.”

Prozac blew his frustration out, and stuffed the rest down deep for later. 

“Crack. Normally  I’d revel in your growing fondness for sarcasm and standing up for yourself, and I acknowledge the personal growth you’ve achieved in the last six months…” Murder gave a soft bleat and Prozac glanced up and gave her a short nod. He put an arm around Crack’s shoulders, who eyed him with suspicion, and steered him over to the unconscious lion with an Evil lying on his belly, lodged up to the shoulder in Lionel’s droopy jaws. “But time and place is the next skill you dearly need to develop.”

Crack’s eyes went wide as he stumbled to a stop before his toes hit the spreading pool of blood beneath Evil’s upper body. He started to wobble, eyes going pin point, then rolling back in his head. Prozac kicked his feet out, dropped him on his rump, pushed his head down between his knees, and started trying to open the murderous fanny pack with one paw, while the other rubbed circles on Crack’s shuddering back. “Also not the time to faint, we’re on a schedule.” His eyes flicked to Evil, noting the tightness still in his expression. “Lionel should be good and under by now, right? That saturated fish has been in his belly for almost 5 minutes.”


  1. Murphy

    Into Lionel’s mind we goo! but also stop evil’s arm bleeding!

  2. Todd Maccarone

    Okay, step 1- sedate Lionel. That’s said and done. Step 1.5- take Evil’s arm out of Lionel’s mouth and get him patched up… That’s in progress. And finally, step 2- enter Lionel’s mind!

  3. Nicole

    Crack! Get with the program!

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