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So this past week sucked. Our AC unit up and died a sad death on Tuesday, heading into quite the heat wave because OF COURSE. Can’t get a new one installed until Wed. None of us are sleeping well, productivity is down, whiny pre teenaging is waaaaaay up. It’s consistently around 30-31 degrees inside and I feel so lethargic. I don’t imagine I would be functioning in 40+ degree weather getting reported from more southern regions. All my sympathies. I’d rather deal with my furnace dying in February during a cold snap again. I worked in gloves and wore 3 layers and put a heater by my feet and we were fine. We also didn’t have kids at the time so there were less overall worries, but ugh. Still think it was easier. Time for more water!
The lion ignored him and turned to Prozac. Evil’s lower lip pushed forward in a pout and Prozac pushed down the sudden urge to laugh. Evil thwarted was a rare occasion. It just took a possible (imminent?) disembowelling to achieve it. But Lionel was breathing hot carrion, morning breath into his face and Prozac tried to focus. Perhaps that breaking open thing would happen sooner than he thought…
Lionel was menacing, but not angry he thought. Yet. “That bear is an idiot and a glutton for violence. I will soon remove him from this zoo and all of us will prosper for it. No doubt it will add to the reverence the lesser animals already hold for me.” Then he squinted at Prozac and tightened his hold, just a little. “You, however, are their leader. You should not be making such abysmal errors in judgement. Perhaps I have an incorrect view of your caliber.” He pulled back a little and cast his disdainful glare over Evil, who winked at him and wiggled his toes. Lionel turned back to Prozac and let his claws out more, the prickle driving deeper. “To have one such as that below your command is a damning example of your incompetence. I shall eliminate you from your inferior maul. Who will be elevated to alpha?”
Evil raised a hand. “ME! I’m typically given the post of second in command and undertake all the most dangerous missions. Plus, I prefer the term ‘sloth of bears’ as it’s a better description of the demeanour of the rest of my lesser pack members.”
Lionel flicked a glance back to Prozac and ground his foot harder into Evil’s stomach. Prozac heard Evil wheeze some kind of slur and prayed he’d have the sense to SHUT UP, but he had the feeling Evil was trying to distract the angry lion. The grey bear was inconsiderate, volatile, selfish, violent, hot headed, rash, and prone to carry a grudge beyond all conceivable sense. But also clever, and loyal, and, increasingly over the last few years, a friend. Prozac supposed he should add ‘self-sacrifice’ to Evil’s repertoire. This wouldn’t even be the first time.
August 7th, 2024 at 11:48 pm
It’s painfully clear that whatever plans the bears had to get to Lionel have gone so far off the rails, they may as well be in a different country. Here’s hoping whatever Evil’s angle is, that it ends with something positive!
August 8th, 2024 at 1:58 am
I like to think Lionel abused a thesaurus so much to make himself sound more “royal”.
August 17th, 2024 at 12:31 am
Getting caught up. Love these two! Also…I hope your air conditioning is back up and running, Alison!