Page 947
October 7th, 2024

Page 947

Took the twins and 2 friends to a Halloween store and an hour later and much eye rolling from me, they emerged with 4 old school Teletubbies costumes (not the remake, the original from waaaaaay back I’m old. Did you know they did a remake??) The boys put them on right away (full body suit with gloves and head piece) played games for a bit, ran amok in the park (apparently people asked to take pictures of them) came back, slept in them, got up, put the heads back on and carried on. Much fun had by all and they looked ridiculous and had a fantastic time lol. To be 13 again… the suits are huge on the twins (the tummy TV screens are about crotch height, a big, shiny, silver target) so I told them they have to wear them for at least the next 2 Halloweens.  Get my money’s worth.


“So where do we find that fat head lion?” Evil was wearing a hat now, a red ball cap with some kind of logo on the front that Crack couldn’t make out. Looked like a black blob. That suddenly grew and seemed to sprout tendrils that wrapped around Evil and shoved down his throat. Evil’s panicked gurgling abruptly cut off, bringing quiet again to his sanctuary, and Crack blinked in horror and spun away from Evil. 

He closed his eyes and summoned calm. “He should be close, since we’re both touching him with our real bodies.”

Evil smirked. “Oh I’m touching him alright, practically scraping his stomach lining-“ he cut off with an aborted noise and glanced down at his left arm, flexing the digits. His paw was DEFINITELY darker than the rest of his arm, and the…rot? Whatever it was was definitely creeping higher.

He looked up, alarm in his eyes and Crack scrambled for a distraction. “Why-why are you wearing a ball cap?” The blob shape was now a skull and bones. Wonderful.

Evil’s eyes rolled up as he tried to see the hat. “A cap? It’s supposed to be a crown.” He looked miffed and screwed up his face in concentration. Suddenly, he was wearing a sharp suit and tie, complete with boutonnière. Evil grinned at Crack. “What do you think? Is this appropriate interrogation wear? I want to look like a professional.” Crack’s eyes drifted north again. “You still have the ball cap.” With a frowny emoji, but he kept that part to himself.

Evil grabbed it off his head and stared at it. “Traitor!” Then Lionel splashed down in front of them and Evil’s tirade stopped before it could begin. 


  1. Can never decide on a name

    Okay, credit to Evil, he does seem to have more control than last time. 50/50 odds on whether what’s going on with his arm the cap are his subconscious freaking out over what’s happening in the real world, or Lionel infecting him. And yes, he does look quite dapper.

  2. NotAnotherZeroFan

    Something tells me even if he doesn’t lose that arm he’s still going to end up with some sort of problems going forward.

    I was initially going to be a lot more harsh with what I said but I figured not worth it. :/

    By the way, there’s an error on both this page and the previous page. On this page the wrong hand/paw is discolored (the right instead of the left). On the previous you misspelled the word ‘higher.’

  3. Jordan

    One year for the Halloween sketches Alison took my request to draw Evil dressed as Ash from the Evil Dead series. I don’t think he had the hand off yet in that sketch but I’m now picturing a sequel of Evil getting into a brawl with his own disembodied paw. This is a great arc to time up with Haoween xD

    Can’t wait to see what Lionel looks like in this place, I hope he’s a mess. Evil’s revenge!

  4. Nicole

    Safe in the mindscape…for now.

  5. Todd Maccarone

    Well, at least Evil looks the part. Shame about his arm, though… Also, took you long enough, Lionel!

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