Page 841
July 11th, 2022

Page 841

We’re back! And so’s Death!
But we had a really nice vacation at a cottage with most of the rest of my family, like 12 of us all together… we were having soooo much fun, we may have left a little early :D But we have fun stories and lots of shit talking was done, and I still have a bruise on my ankle from my idiot little brother shoving me off a paddle board on the first damn night. We then preceded to hide beers/nuts/my book from each other for the rest of the week. His fiancé was so impressed with our behaviour! She still wants to do it again next year though. I think we broke her.

Vote incentive: a happy belated July 4th from Prozac

And grab my latest (in forever!) tee design from Neatoshop: Moon Knight was so much fun :)


  1. Can never decide on a name

    Not the first time Evil had a good idea, and he’s still surprised it worked.

  2. T-Shaw


  3. Playing_possum

    Did Death lose his death touch?

  4. Murphy

    @Playing_possum I don’t think so..

    but are we going to disregard Nerd’s Ded from rebound explosion?

  5. gridsleep

    Poor Crack. He really should be on the same prescription as Prozac. At least something for anxiety.

  6. Todd Maccarone

    Well, at least Death is okay… But I hope Nerd is alright!

  7. S.L

    Death just blinked back into reality.

  8. Treascair

    Death is okay! \o/

  9. Cam

    Welcome back! If I’m sensing the sarcasm right (i think?), sorry the vacation wasn’t the best, but I’m glad it doesn’t seem like it was too terrible for you.

    Yay! Death is okay! And not upset! Maybe he really was in a unintentional coma.

  10. Nicole

    Yay, Death! <3 And poor Nerd!

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